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Manual folding
To price the manual folding you go to 2 menus:
- characteristics
- delivery
You go to the technical characteristics of the machine which breaks down into 6 categories.
General informations
They correspond to administrative informations:
- her name
- is it active in the calculation?
- it is contrary to internal or do you use a subcontractor?
Authorized trim size
Define the authorized trim size by choosing in the drop-down menu.
Open size
It corresponds in going size with 2 fields to fill:
- height ( minimum et maximum)
- lenght (minimum et maximum).
These 2 sizes are set in millimeters.
An option is available to determine if the size adjustment in included in the rate folding.
Max. paper weight assuming pre-scoring
A table in 2 dimensions can fill max paper weight depending on the different kind of folds with:
- column: a number of folds from 1 to 7
- row: the different kind of folds: double parallel folds, roll/accordeon folds, gate folds, cross fold.
This table sets the maximum weight under understood that the fold will be possible soon if the product will be asked for a lower weight to it.
Fixed costs
Fixed cost of preparing operation whatever the fold.
1000 copies
It is a variable cost depending on the number of fold (1 to 7) but whatever the nature of the latter.
In this case there will be no change depending on the quantity because there is no increase in the pace depending on the number of copies.
This pop up allows you to pricing, if the machine is externally (from a subcontractor), the cost of transport return from the printer to the subcontractor.
There are 3 ways to price:
- with a fixed cost
- with a proportional cost per kg
- with a minimum outright cost