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Finishing machines
To add a new sheet collator, you go to 5 menus:
- characteristics
- sizes
- surface
- quantitiess
- delivery
You go to the technical characteristics of the machine which breaks down into 7 categories.
General informations
They correspond to administrative informations:
- her name
- is it active in the calculation?
- it is contrary to internal or do you use a subcontractor?
Open size
It corresponds in going size with 2 fields to fill:
- height ( minimum et maximum)
- lenght (minimum et maximum).
These 2 sizes are set in millimeters.
Possible paper weight
They are expressed in g/M2 also with 2 fields: the minimum and maximum weight that can pass on this machine.
Type of finishing
It is to select the type of varnish applied at this rate with a table with 2 dimensions:
- colums correspond to the brightness (brillant, satin, mat)
- lines correspond to the finishing (UV offset,UV sérigraphique, pellicullage acétate, pelliculage polypro)
Click on yes if the varnish is spot otherwise it will be full.
Fixed costs
The Fixed costs can be definied by 3 ways:
- makeready (plate)
- minimum outright price
- possibly possibly a free makeready from a number of copies
Selected pricing mode
2 variable prices are possible
- Variation in % when printing both sides Dés lors qu'il s'agit d'un recto- verso, le prix (ou surface) sera multiplié par 2 systématiquement. Il y a donc la possibilité de majorer ou de minorer le prix.
- Rate according to sheet size or price per total surface (expressed in m2) height X width X number of copies.
If you select price on the size, you click fill on the menu " size" and complete table.
If you select price on the surface, you click on menu "surface" and fill the different steps.
If in the previous menu you have selected price on the size, you may fill the menu.
You may define a maximum length and a width.The system will pick up the size in which enters the sheet and for which the price is the cheapest. In principle, the sheet, the greater the price increases. it will therefore size the smallest in which the sheet may proceed with the corresponding rate.
If in the previous menu you have selected price on the surface, you may fill the menu.
There are steps to define with corresponding prices.The sstem will pick up the cheapest price if a condition is verified. Le système ira chercher le prix le moins cher dés lors qu'une condition est vérifiée: you may therefore be an increase in rates.
This screen allows you to make a variation of a standard price per 1000 according to quantities( per steps).
Each rule is applicable individually and the system takes into account the most advantageous.
WARNING: If you set :
< à 2000 runs then variations de -10%
< à 3000 runs then variation de -5%
In this case, for a quantity of 1000, the system will take a variation - 10%.
The rules are put into competition in their field of validity. If both rules are checked, the most advantageous being chosen.
This pop up allows you to pricing, if the machine is externally (from a subcontractor), the cost of transport return from the printer to the subcontractor.
There are 3 ways to price:
- with a fixed cost
- with a proportional cost per kg
- with a minimum outright cost