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There are two types of providers in Clariprint:

  • The distributors sell retail : printers, communication agencies, platforms.
  • The factories (which have limited stock) sell to big users : large printers, large platforms, distributors.

The tariff offer distributors:

  • There is a catalogue "price public" with all their references and technical characteristics.
  • There are professional discounts on catalogue prices public: when a printer or a platefrome buys from a distributor, there may be a discount depending on the type of customer.
  • There are specific tariffs on a limited number of reference:when a buyer (printer or platform) has specific needs on a category of paper .It is a price per tonne even more advantageous than the rates quotes public stored.

The tariff offer factories

The buyers are the big printers: the rotativistes and platforms for large projects. There is no public price, there are specific prices for a client and for a particular offer.

Last modified 17 years ago Last modified on Aug 4, 2008, 10:54:55 AM

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