Version 4 (modified by 17 years ago) | ,
Global paper settings
1. Introduction
Settings allows the administrator to manage paper brands, colors and qualities independently of suppliers. It's important to simplify the paper offer for end user, and hide suppliers re-branding practice. The Generic brands mays be close to factories brand, and will be used to group distributor re-branding.
2. Access
- Home > OptimPaper > Settings
3. Qualities
The "Qualities" menu, let you manage paper qualities.
Creating a paper quality
- press "create" on top of qualities list
- fill the form :
- reference : the name used in the application. try to use a non localized name
- display index : index used to sort qualities in end user interface. The qualities are sorted by "sort index" and by "reference"
- bulk : ratio between paper weight (g/m2) and thikness (1/10 mm) (~1.0 for standard paper)
- one side : only printable on one side
- double-sided : can be printed on ever side
- Helio ? of Offset ? : can this papers be used for heliogravure (photogravure or Rotogravure) print process or with the offset print process (roto or sheet feed)
- press "save" button. This informations can be updated later.
merging and deleting paper qualities
A paper quality cannot be deleted, it must be merged with another quality. To merge two qualities :
- check the qualities which must be replaced
- select the receiver quality in the popup list at bottom
- press "marge" button.
All the papers, contracts ... which refers to checked qualities will now refer to the "receiver" quality.
4. Generic brand
Generic brand represent the original brand of paper, paper mills brand. It's used to group distributor brand which represent the same paper.
Home > OptimPaper > Settings > generic brands
creating a generic brand
- press "create" on top of generic brands list
- fill the form :
- reference : the name of the brand
- quality : the quality of the paper (see above)
- paper mill : the name of the paper mill (optional)
- home page : the web home page address (optional) of paper informations or paper mill.
- display index : sort index for end-user list (sorted by index, by name)
- Technicals informations (optional see next)
- press "save" button
Technical informations
For each generic brand of paper, it's possible to store technical descriptions of paper. By paper weight, you can create datasheet with :
- bulk : the ratio between paper weight (g/m2) and thickness (1/10 mm) (~1.0 for standard paper)
- whiteness : (CIE)
- opacity : (%)
- Brightness (ISO 2470/D65 %)
- Roughness (Bendtsen, ml/min)
Press Save to add the new datasheet.
These informations are optional. In a future revision of Clariprint, the users will be able to search paper by technical description, but due to the lack of user knowledge, and supplier information, this feature is not a priority.
deleting or merging generic brand
It's not possible to delete a generic brand, but like qualities, it's possible to merge (see "merging and deleting paper qualities").
5. Distributors brands
The distributors brands represent brands used in the suppliers catalog. Every brand is attached to a generic brand, or it will not be usable by end-user.
To create the press the "create" button on top of the list
In bottom, a tools for merge checked brands to selected brand in popup menu.
6. List of brand names
This screen let you visualize all defined links between brand, generic brand and qualities.
A tool in window right bottom, let you to process checked lines :
- merge brand to popup selected brand
- switch generic brand to popup selected generic brand
- update name of brand (this change the name of the brand, it will not create au new brand).
7. Colors
List of paper colors. Manage-it to simplify end-user offer.